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Summer Fridays Bouquet Class & R+R Mask Review!


Gorgeous, right?

This stunning installation is by East Olivia for a bouquet making class hosted by the one and only, Summer Fridays.

They currently have only THREE products on the market but they've easily become a household name - especially in my house.

Jetlag is super moisturizing, Overtime gets rid of all the gunk that's been sitting on your face and now R+R gives you that perfect glow!!!!

Their newest mask has literally ground roses in it which 1) means it smells amazing and 2) means it does amazing things for your face!

(Above: Summer Friday's stunning phone booth of roses - saw in LA last week and now in NYC at Maman Soho for a limited time)

It clears your skin and then has essential oils that stay behind to give your skin everything they need and more!

Yesterday, I attended an intimate class to learn how to make the PERFECT bouquet in honor of the roses in this mask! A rep from East Olivia came and taught us the industry tips and tricks including twirling your roses upside down for that blooming effect you see but can never achieve!

The afternoon was spent eating snacks, drinking sangria and flowers galore. (Can we say the best way to spend a pre-valentine's day afternoon?!)

(Left: all of our bouquets - pre expert advice)

The brand was created not too long ago but these two boss babes - Marianna Hewitt and Lauren Gores Ireland!

They felt like we all felt - they tried everything but nothing was just perfect! So here came Sunday Fridays (and aren't we happy about that?)

(mid creation)

(how simply twirling a rose upside down can do wonders and increase your beautiful bouquet)

(vanilla almond lattes created just for the event)

Of course post event, the first thing I did was have to TRY OUT THE MASK!!!!! (They kept with their same simple but eye catching packaging)

Also how perfect is this bag?

Did I mention it fits all three of my Summer Friday masks perfectly?


Smell: 11/10

Ease of Use: 10/10

Removal of Mask: 8/10

Results: 10/10

The mask is a transparent orange color with pieces of the roses spread throughout. (Seen on my face to the left) It smells just like you'd expect - like roses! There is nothing artificial or synthetic about! (Probably because all products are paraben free, sulfate free and vegan!!!

Let sit for 10 minutes and boom! GLOW!!!

(20 seconds after I fully removed the mask)

So for me it was a little tough to get the rose pieces off but otherwise removal was easy! Just took a little more time than usual! (Worth it)

This is my face right after and the glow on my forehead and nose is undeniable. I don't have a drop of another product on and these were the instant results!!!

Definitely recommend this product!!!

Find below at:

and now glow away, ladies!!!

PS: Men Mask too. #menmasking



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