So if you follow along on Instagram: I‘ve decided to finally pay attention to the ridiculous amount of samples I receive every month from both Birchbox & Sephora Play! (I used to also get an Ipsy bag but lowkey - it was awful, don’t recommend.
I have been getting Birchboxes monthly for almost 6+ years and legitmately, I sort them and forget they exist. (A few Glossier boxes hold all my samples - there‘s a ton) and the Sephora Play for almost 3 years now! Once in awhile, I‘ll grab one out and use it right away but most of the time, I‘ll get all excited and then forget they exist. (OOPS)
To be honest, how I found most of the products I use now everyday was by having a sample beforehand. Example: my foundation - Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick. So why have I been ignoring all these samples? No idea. So it’s time especially because most of the time they are new products or cult classics I haven’t tried before.
I’m going to try to test about two out a day resulting in a blog post the new morning. Keep in mind these won’t be in-depth long run product reviews but first time use and direct results. I ‘ll always disclaim what other products I use at the same time (my daily routine) so you can see all exactly what is on my skin/hair.
With that being said, let’s start.
Last night, I tried My Clarins Re-Charge Relaxing Sleep Mask & the GLOV Quick Treat.
My Clarins is a new lime from Clarins focusing on clean vegan friendly beauty. Let’s be honest - it’s a Drunk Elephant. It’s packing is white with pastel caps and cute black designs (remind you of anything.) I’m a loyal LOYAL loyal Drunk Elephant user (ok I only use DE in my everyday skincare routine and am probably never branching out again) so I am biased but the stuff is life changing.
Anyways, I digress. My Clarins is still cute and I like all the new lines that are “clean“ because why for so many years have we been putting crap on our skin? So in my Birchbox this month (last month? I’m Not sure - their February box was exceptionally late and I received many apology emails about it) it had their Sleep Mask and I AM THE BIGGEST FAN OF SLEEP MASKS. My favorite always and forever will be the cult classic, Summer Fridays Jet Lag. (Who else?) But since I heard all the hype about this new line from Clarins, I knew I had to try it.
Very DE looking right? Either way, adorable with the closed eye design. Right off the bat, the smell reminded me of my childhood and for the last 12 hours I’ve been trying to place the scent but can’t quite figure it out. It’s an odd scent but I personally like it. It feels great too! It spread across my skin perfectly and was a smooth gel like texture.
I applied after my whole nightly skincare routine and here’s the first look.
(Don’t mind that amazingly placed painful pimple above my lip)
It wasn’t sticky or thick and left no residue on my pillowcase. My skin felt softer the second I put it on.
So I slept with it on for about 8 hours and here are the results next morning. (Excuse my bedhead and sleepy look - this is literally seconds after waking up)
I don’t see a huge difference but I do see a difference !! It looks like more poreless which is everyone’s dream and I think with regular use it could really work wonders. My skin does fee amazingly soft today and I am honestly impressed.
Second product was by a brand I’ve never heard of before - GLOV. I believe they only make cloth like items for removal of makeup but don’t quote me on it - I only scrolled through their Instagram briefly.
Either way, it was a soft cloth scrubber that just goes on about two fingers and was made to fix quick makeup mistakes which I already love. I am not a makeup guru so anything that can remove my badly done eyeliner or mascara covered lids is great for me.
The product is super soft. I decided to test it out on my 8 hour old eyeliner that was awful and stuck to my face. All you do is wet the product and wipe. Too simple.
Above is a side by side of my messy eyeliner - both looked the same beforehand so you see in just 3 swipes of the wet GLOV towel all the eyeliner was gone. The towel washed off in seconds with just simple dove soap and looked brand new. 100% will be using this again.
So that’s all for today!
Tomorrow I can guarantee a new mascara and one more product ! Stay tuned!